Refund policy

Can I cancel my purchase?

As a customer you have 14 days’ right to cancel and get your money back. The right-to-cancel period starts from the day you receive the item. In order to invoke your right to cancel, the item must be in its original, unbroken packaging. The cost of the item, will be refunded, less the delivery cost incurred by Victor Vaissier. The customer pays the cost of returning the item. To help Victor Vaissier process an item that you consider to be faulty, and for you to retain your statutory rights, you should contact us regarding a complaint within a reasonable time after you noticed, or should have noticed, the fault. If an item is faulty or incorrect, Victor Vaissier will pay the cost of returning it.

If for some reason you wish to return an item, you must first contact Victor Vaissier customer service at and state your full name, order number and the item(s) you wish to return. Then the following applies:

  1. We send you a return order form, which must be returned together with the item(s).
  2. Package the item(s) carefully to avoid damage in transit and send the parcel to us, together with the return order form. The address is: Victor Vaissier AB, Birger Jarlsgatan 20, 11434 Stockholm.
  3. After a complaint/cancellation has been approved, we refund the amount of your order to the card you used for payment within 14 days of the date we receive the returned item(s).


    If you have experienced a problem with a product that you bought from the Victor Vaissier webshop, and if you have not been able to settle the dispute directly with Victor Vaissier, you can file a complaint with the EU Online platform for disputes (the ODR-platform).

    The platform aims to help businesses and consumers to reach an out-of-court settlement regarding disputes about merchandise bought online. The platform is free of charge and is available in all EU-languages. You can find the platform here:


    The Victor Vaissier brand has been reinvigorated by CEO Paul Hodann, who discovered the brand and its history at a flea market in Paris and wanted to share it with the wider world. Victor Vaissier is now owned by Paul. The entire team is based in Sweden and brings together a depth of experience in retail, branding, sales and marketing.